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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

Worship at St Joseph's

Worship is an integral part of the ethos at St Joseph’s primary. All pupils engage deeply in the experiences of prayer and liturgy, e.g., through the quality of prayerful silence, their attentiveness and response to prayer and liturgy, and their engagement in communal singing.  Though prayer and worship are similar, they are not exactly the same thing. Prayer is a form of communication , a way of talking to God or to the Saints, while worship is only directed to God. Our children worship God at regular Masses and Liturgies.

There are many definitions of prayer. Prayer is can be seen as:

  • communicating with God.
  • conversation with God.
  • becoming open and attentive to God.

Ultimately, through prayer our children explore and deepen their relationship with a loving and compassionate God; a God who is constantly calling us and who is always there for us.

At St Joseph’s we use a selection of the following elements to help children to focus.

  • A special place e.g. prayer corner or table
  • Background music
  • A lit candle
  • A focus for prayer e.g. a cross, interesting object, picture etc.
  • A coloured cloth to reflect the liturgical year
  • A Bible
  • Time and space to be comfortable and still
  • The use of silence

Each classroom has a designated, interactive prayer area which pupils help to organize and maintain. The hall has a permanent altar set up. The care and attention given to the quality of the space reflects the dignity of each person and contributes positively to their formation. The hall highlights the current pairs of virtues and our corridor displays all virtues, with our entrance hall including virtues in magnificent piece of artwork undertaken by our older pupils in the style of Welsh artist Rhiannon Roberts. Our Mission statement is displayed in each classroom and area and uplifting quotes, chosen by teachers, are strategically placed around the school. Our outside Grotto is a focal point for outdoor prayer, especially during the month of May. We also have a quiet prayer focal point for pupil use in the wellbeing area with a statue of St Joseph. A further prayer area dedicated to Mary is in the Y2 outside area. The y6 prayer group meet in the annex where they have set up their own prayer area. The prayer group have also set up a prayer box for in the reception area, where pupils, parents and carers can deposit intentions for the group to pray for. The parent prayer group meets after pupil drop off for 15 minutes and before pupil pick up for 15 mins in the annex. 

Class assemblies, Masses and Liturgies are timetabled throughout the school year and we warmly invite you to join with us in prayer and worship. Please see times and dates of Masses, Assemblies and Liturgies on the ‘Parent’ tab.

Please take some time to look through the examples of worship as this will give you an insight into our ethos and prayer life at St Joseph’s, all of which are integral to our school.