St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding means protecting children from harm, abuse and neglect. All local authorities, schools and colleges in Wales have a legal duty to protect and promote the well-being of children under 18.
The term safeguarding is used to define actions taken to protect vulnerable groups from harm. Safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and young people is 'everybody’s business'.
Please see our Child Protection Policy in the policies area under the Welcome drop-down
Safeguarding is everybody’s business.
Keeping your child safe is our key priority at St Joseph’s Primary
Article 19 – You should not be harmed and be looked after and kept safe
If your child tells a member of school staff that they have been hurt by another adult or is going to be hurt then that member of staff has a duty to report this to the School’s Designated Safeguarding Person, Mrs Alexandra Riordan. Mrs Helen Wheeler, Mr Ryan Cobb and Mrs Kathryn Tuff of the Senior Leadership Team are also trained as DSPs.
The Designated Safeguarding Person will sometimes need to share this information with Cardiff Children’s Services for advice and support. You may be informed that this is happening unless advised otherwise by Children’s Services.
Please understand that when we do this, we are following the Wales Safeguarding Procedures and not making any judgements about families.
“The needs of the child come first”