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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School


The children will be bringing home tonight an envelope containing 5 raffle tickets for a draw that will take place at the PA Christmas Fayre on Friday 16th December 2022 from 3.45pm in our school hall.   Each individual raffle ticket costs £1.00

If you have any family or friends who would like a chance to win one of the fabulous prizes listed below, please fill in their name and contact on the left hand ticket and tear off the right hand ticket and give it to the person to keep.

Once you have sold the tickets, please return the completed tickets together with the money in the envelope provided.

Prizes ........

North Star 2 course Sunday lunch

Brother Thai meal for 2

Celtic Manor 2 activity vouchers for family of 4

mountain view ranch family ticket

Treetop Golf Voucher for family of 4

........ plus many many more lovely gifts

Thank you for your support

St Joseph's PA