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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

The Flying Seagull Project comes to Cardiff February Half Term!

‘Laugh N Play 2023’ is the latest circus show created by the Flying Seagull team and the first time bringing it to Wales!

The Flying Seagull Charity “bring play and laughter to children and people living in difficult and desperate conditions in the UK and around the world. Through music and dance, arts workshops and circus shows, we bring joy to people in need of positivity and happiness.”

With support from Child Friendly Cardiff, ‘Laugh N Play’ will be touring selected locations in Cardiff during February half-term, bringing the circus and smiles to those that need it most.

There are limited sessions from 20th – 24th February happening in the Southern Arc of the City with priority access granted to pre-determined groups. If you know a child who would love to take part in this free half term activity,