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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

St David's day Celebration and Mass


 Saint David’s Day will take place on Wednesday 1st March 2023. We ask that all external competition entries are in school by Tuesday February 28th so certificates can be awarded to children. (Please label cooking competition and all entries with your child’s name and class please.) All children will be represented in the Eisteddfod from competitions conducted in class because of the internal competitions taking place. WE VERY MUCH HOPE AS MANY CHILDREN AS IS POSSIBLE ARE REPRESENTED IN THE EXTERNAL COMPETITIONS. Daffodil Donations: For those families who wish to donate a bunch of daffodils to decorate the stage this would be much appreciated. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! Unfortunately , due to space available families will not be able to attend or Eisteddfodd.

Saint David’s Day Celebration Mass 9.20 – 9.30 am – This Mass is being led by Dosbarth Gwynno. The families of these children are warmly invited to the celebration. Please sign in with Mr Shankland in the foyer before entering the hall please. Social Media Platforms Be aware that if families choose to record or take photographs we ask that they are not shared on social media sites as we do not have the consent of all families to do this and we respect choices and circumstances as a school. Thank you.

Costume for the Day Children can wear a red ‘T’ shirt, Welsh rugby top or traditional dress for the day. Diolch yn fawr, The staff of Saint Joseph’s.