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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

Music Lessons 2023-2024

Dear parent / carer

As you will see from the attached flier, Cardiff County and Vale Music Service is changing to ‘Cardiff and Vale Music Education’. The service has been refreshed, with a different look including a new logo and website making the service wider and more user-friendly, and a parent portal that will improve communication for pupils, parents and carers, and schools. Payment options are also changing so that the cost of tuition can be spread over a longer period, to give a range of affordable options to all.

If you would like to sign your child up for tuition or activities please  order  enrol by firstly visiting the new website and taking time to read the ‘Choose an instrument’ page before proceeding to sign up for tuition. You can read the full privacy policy here and also attached to this email, alongside our terms and conditions. Please take time to read both documents and contact us if you have any questions.

on the home page, or go directly to the portal.



To enrol for music tuition in school

To enrol for a Music Centre Activities ( groups & ensembles)

  • Click on “School Tuition Direct”

  • Select the required school

  • Select the appropriate discipline (e.g., Brass, Strings, etc)

  • If you have an account on the old CCVG Music portal you can click “login” and use your email address and password.  If you don’t have an account, click “Continue on…

  • Select a pupil or enter the details for a new pupil

  • Select the required subject (e.g., violin, viola etc), the type of lesson (e.g. Group Tuition, Individual 15 minutes, etc), and whether you require a hire instrument

  • Click to confirm you accept the terms and conditions then “Confirm Application

  • Confirm you have read our privacy and GDPR policy

  • Confirm your marketing preference

  • Confirm photographic consent preference


  • Click on “Music Centre Activities

  • Select “Beginner”, “Junior”, “Senior”, “Advanced” – visit our ‘join a group’ page if you are unsure of your current level

  • Select the appropriate Ensemble

  • If you have an account on the old CCVG Music portal you can click “login” and use your email address and password.  If you don’t have an account click “Continue on…”

  • Select a pupil or enter the details for a new pupil

  • Please enrol for every ensemble accessed

  • When you enrol for the second/ third ensemble click “Multi-membership” to apply for discount to limit the termly fee to £70 for membership of 2 or more ensembles

  • Click to confirm you accept the terms and conditions then “Confirm Application

  • Confirm you have read our privacy and GDPR policy

  • Confirm your marketing preference

  • Confirm photographic consent preference


Important information

  • Cardiff Council use third party Paritor to create and manage your account. By registering you understand that Paritor will be processing your personal data. For further information on how Paritor process your data visit:  Paritor

  • Cardiff Council process your payments through third party Pay360, for further information on how Pay360 process your data please visit:   Pay360

  • Cardiff Council may also process your payments through third party Pay360, for further information on how Parent Pay process your data please visit:   Parent Pay

  • The pricing options quote the full year charge; you will have the option to pay in instalments if you wish later on in the enrolment process

  • You will see there are options to enrol onto many disciplines and we are giving you the option to request group tuition as well as individual tuition.  However, please note that this will subject to availability of tutors and whether or not the schools can accommodate

  • Once you have submitted your application, we will ascertain availability of tutors and the school.  You will receive an e-mail from us to confirm that your application has been accepted, you will then be prompted to log into the portal to make a payment prior to the tuition starting


We have carried out extensive testing on this new portal, however if you do encounter any problems whilst enrolling please contact us and at