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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

Sacramental Classes – May 2022 - Parental Information.​​​​​​​

Welcome back to a new school term. The children will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday 14th May at 10.00am am. It is essential that all children attend so that they can be fully prepared to receive the Eucharist for the first time on the 21st May at 10.00am. It is our intention to organise a photographer for the day and further details will follow. If any families have issues with regard to dresses for this holy day please let one of the catechists know and we will do our very best to help you.

Children will go to church on Thursday 5th May and Tuesday 10th May to prepare for these services, so parents are asked to pick up their children from Saint Joseph’s church on these dates at 4.30pm. We would very much appreciate if parents could volunteer to walk the children to the church with us at 3.20pm to provide extra bodies for our walk to the church.

Kind regards,

Saint Joseph’s Catechists

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