St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
Year 6 Assessment Fortnight
Latest Year Six Assessment Fortnight:
The children in year six will be undertaking an assessment fortnight after they return after half term. Three assessments are provided by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) and include a numeracy and reasoning paper as well as a reading paper. These assessments are done on - line. In addition there will be additonal assessments to calculate reading and spelling age. This data will be shared with parents on the school report, but children will be orally informed of their scores as soon as the data is received and they can inform you prior to this.
The children have been provided with past papers and online versions of SAT papers if parents / child want to do revision - this is also been done in school. Mark schemes are provided so children can check their answers and learn about errors they make in their revision. On line SAT type assessments are available on the following site - children have used these in the last two weeks of this half term as part of their learning in literacy and numeracy lessons.
It is important that if parents choose to use this site that you only focus on the reading tasks and the three types of mathematics papers with the exclusion of the mental maths paper - these are very similar to the assessments they will undertake on line after half term. (Levels three to five standard papers)
Some children in the class are just about accessing level six. There is the opportunity for children to do these if they finish the level three to five papers. The past papers are located on year six's class page in the 'MY Week' section.
Enjoy your half term,
Kind regards,
Mrs Houston (Year Six Teacher)News