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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School


Yr 6 Music Transition Day Monday 4th July 2022

CCHS are delighted to invite pupils who will be starting at Corpus Christi in September to their music induction day and evening on Monday 4th July 2022.

The day will be run in the same format as previous years and, as a result, we will need to collate some information regarding the musical background of some of the pupils we currently have in Year 6 who will be attending on the day.

They intend to put four/five pieces together during the day and they will be performed in the evening alongside their own school choir and orchestra.

Pupils who do not play instruments will sing with the rest of the choir. They  are unfortunately not able to accommodate pianists or guitarists in the orchestra and therefore would request that they also sing.

If you child plays an orchestral musical instrument will need to bring their instruments with them on the day and they will be taught the music. Please could parents complete this form parents to complete this form using this link:

Pupils need to be in the in the main school hall by 9.15am with a member of staff . Pupils will need to bring their own packed lunches and a drink and attend in their own school uniform. We have been advised that parents are NOT allowed to drive on site at these times. The day will finish at 2.30pm and pupils will be expected to return in the evening at 6.30pm to perform their pieces at 7pm to which all parents are invited as part of the induction evening.

Please ensure pupils are not sent in with money as , unfortunately, CCHS  have no facility to offer canteen food to Year 6 on this day due to our ParentPay fingerprint system.

Pupils who are in receipt of Free School Meal will be catered for at CCHS. Any children who are not transitioning to Corpus Christi are to attend St Joseph’s at normal times on this day

Cofion Cynnes,

Alex Riordan

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