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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School


Transition Day Visits to CCCHS - 14th July 2022

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s)

On Thursday 14th July 2022 our Year 6 pupils will visit Corpus Christi High School.

Corpus Christi would like the pupils to be there promptly for 9.30am on the morning of their visit, and to be collected from CCHS at 2.30pm in the afternoon. We have been advised that parents are NOT allowed to drive on site at these times.

On arrival pupils should go to the School Hall.  They will need wear their school uniform and  to bring their pencil case with pen and pencil and a packed lunch and a drink for this day.  

Pupils who are in receipt of Free School Meal will be catered for at CCHS. Any children who are not transitioning to Corpus Christi are to attend St Joseph’s at normal times on this day

Cofion Cynnes,

Mrs. A. Riordan