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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

Y6 Bikeability Course



Dear Parent / Guardian,

Cycling is an enjoyable activity and provides many benefits for children, including improving their health and fitness, however youngsters can be particularly vulnerable on their bikes and require training before taking to busy roads.  A Bikeability cycle training course has been organised for your child’s year group by Cardiff Road Safety team,   commencing Monday 27th June – Thursday 30th June 2022.

Please be aware that this training will involve use of roads close to the school as well as the playground.  We feel it is important to give the children experience of on-road cycling, under the close supervision of our instructors, to help build their confidence when riding in light traffic. If you wish your child to participate and agree with the following responsibilities, please sign the consent form below and return it to the class teacher.

Your Responsibilities:

  • I will ensure that my child’s bike is suitable for their height and in a roadworthy condition, with tyres fully inflated and both front and rear brakes working efficiently.
  • I will provide my child with a suitable cycle helmet that will be worn during all training sessions.    
  • Please be aware that unless your child can control their bike confidently and consistently, they will be unable to proceed to the on-road training sessions.
  • I understand that I am responsible for getting my child and their bike to and from the school.
  • I accept that Cardiff Council and school staff are responsible for their safety during training times only.
  • I will inform the school of any medical condition that might affect my child’s cycle training or cause an emergency situation.

Please be aware that the school and Cardiff Council are not responsible for the security of the bike and it is left at the school at your own risk. It is advisable that you provide your child with a bike lock.

Privacy Policy

By completing this form, you consent to Cardiff Council as a data controller to process this information. Your information will be collected and processed for the purpose of Bikeability Cycle Training and will be handled, processed and stored securely in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The information will be retained only for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose above. After that we will securely remove and delete it. The legal basis for processing your personal data is consent and you may withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to the contact address:

If you would like to know what information we hold about you, update your details or any other rights, please contact the data protection team via

If you would like more information about how Cardiff Council uses your personal data, then you will find a copy of our Full Privacy Notice at


Child’s Name:                                                                    


Permission to share our bike with classmates (if they cannot access a bike) Yes / No

I give my permission for my child to take part in the training.

Signature of parent/guardian:                                                        Date:

    • Medical conditions / additional learning needs:
    • Allergies:

This form is available in Welsh / Mae’r ffurflen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg