St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
Year 6 Transition Mass
Transition Mass
Dear Parent(s) / Guardians,
The traditional Transition Mass for Year Six pupils has now returned. This special event will take place at Cardiff Cathedral on Wednesday 13th July at 10:30 am. The children will be walking to the venue and will leave school 9.00 am to ensure we arrive at the cathedral in good time and children have sufficient time to prepare to engage in the Mass appropriately.
Dependent on weather conditions, can parents ensure children are all wearing school uniform and sun screen applied if weather conditions require it. I would be grateful if some parents could volunteer to accompany myself and Ms. Chinnick to the venue. The children will require a packed lunch for this day and plenty to drink for the walk there and back to the Mass.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Houston (Year Six Teacher)