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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

Proposed End of Year Trip for Year Six - Information for Parents

Dear Parent (s) / Guardian (s) 

We have worked hard to try and find a venue for the children to go on a school trip – this has been very challenging and where available, the cost has been too great. We have deliberated as a class and the children have determined that they would like their final outing as a class to be to Barry Island / Barryados! 

We propose to go on the train as some children have never been on one. The cost of the train for a return ticket, is £5.00, but final costs will be shared with parents nearer the time. To reduce costs, we would ask parents to drop children off at the central station at 8.30 am so they have sufficient time to get siblings to school or to get to work. 

We would ask them to be picked up at 3.00 pm at the train station so school runs would not be disrupted. 

Children are going to be selling ice lollies and tip tops after school so that they can raise money themselves to go towards financing the trip. Children will be asked to provide monies for chips and sausage and an ice-cream. 

They can brings spades and buckets if they so wish, for which they would be responsible.  

We would locate ourselves on the corner of the beach and cones will be used to provide a boundary that they will not be permitted to cross. 

Children will be allowed into the sea, but only up to their waists and under the supervision of the adults attending at all times – there will be NO swimming. 

We would like to take balls, bats etc for the children to play with and would request that a parent could volunteer to bring these items in a car – a parent that could volunteer to help supervise the children for the day if possible. 

Letters for the use of sun creams, hats will be forwarded with permission slips nearer the time. We would like this event to take place in the last week (Monday 18th July to Thursday 21st of July), but no date confirmed until nearer the time when weather conditions are known. It will not take place on the last day because that is traditionally the signing of ‘T’ Shirts day and time to say good bye to their friends who are going to their new school which are different to their own. 

As always, I will need parents to volunteer to help Ms Chinnick and I to take the children. Also, if volunteers could come and help sell ice lollies after school for the few weeks, it would be very much appreciated. I will get them this evening. 

More details to follow. 

Kind Regards

Mrs Houston and Ms Chinnick