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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

Chocolate Apples Project: For the attention of year Six Parents

Saint Joseph’s Primary School 

Chocolate Apples 

Year Six Business Project 

Good Morning, Parent(s) / Guardian (s) 

The children are very excited about their business project. They have managed to raise £80.00 in two days from selling ice lollies. They love counting the money and this makes the business project as real as is possible for them. The children are using their IT skills, literacy skills and numeracy skill to record their learning. They are sending e mails to local companies such as the Co – Op and \ Tesco, to enlist sponsorship. The children are learning about purchasing stock, outgoings and profit – no losses as yet! They are mapping their profits in a graph and calculating the mean, mode, median of their data using graphing programmes. This will be extended to the use of ‘Xcel’ so they can understand that the use of this platform can make calculations about any profit they have achieved as a class. In addition, the children have created posters to advertise the project and extended this to presenting information using an IT platform. 

Local businesses such as Tesco and Co – Op have been contacted in order to request sponsorship and to create links with the local community and industry, From this the children will apply their literacy skills to express thanks and appreciation in a letter format where children will consolidate previous learning in a ‘reality’ based forum to any local industries that can support the children’s business in this enterprise. 

As stated, I have requested financial and practical support for those children who are unable to provide ingredients for the following learning task. 

Parents are requested to provide materials for the following design and making task. Children will evaluate their learning in their own ‘Year Six Business Project Document’ that will be shared with parents. 

  • Paper cake holders 
  • Cooking chocolate white / brown 
  • Sticks for the apples 
  • Decoration for the apples: Sprinkles, chocolate buttons, marshmallows, jelly tots or anything else the children / parents can think of! 
  • Ribbon or bows to decorate the sticks 
  • And of course, apples! 
  • Plastic or glass bowl and spoon for the melted chocolate 
  • Clean cloth and tea towel for washing up. 

Please ensure children’s materials are placed in a bag with their names on. 

Children will sell their product, but keep some for themselves to enjoy!  

From an academic point of view the children will draw their design, describe the making process and evaluate what went well and what they would do differently as part of their evaluation of the project. This will all be included in their final business study project. All photographs will be placed on the school gallery, my week on class page for year six and on Twitter so all year six parents / Guardians can see their children engaging in the project. 

I intend do to the project on Tuesday 5th July. Any parents / grandparents that can assist with the making process would be much appreciated – can you let me know if you are able to assist on Tuesday 5th July as soon as is possible please? – Many thanks in advance. The chocolate apples will be sold that evening after school. Again the children will make posters to celebrate the making process and all monies to go into the year six school business fund for the trip to Barry Island. 

Kind regards, 

Mrs D Houston (Year Six Teacher)