St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
Year six's leavers Mass and assembly - all year six families are welcome
Leavers Mass and Assembly
Dear Year Six Families.
The Leavers Mass and an ensuing Leavers Assembly will take place on Wednesday 20th July. All Year Six families are invited for the first time in nearly three years. All staff of Saint Joseph’s and the governors of the school want this to be a special day of celebration both religiously and socially. It marks our school and faith community moving forward after the trials and tribulations we have been challenged with as a consequence of the pandemic. If I can get it sorted, there will not be a dry eye in the house by the time the children have completed the mass and assembly. The Mass and ensuing assembly will commence at 1.45pm, Wednesday 20th July and I hope as many of family members can attend, it will be the first time in the last number of years we can receive the Eucharist and come together as a faith community to celebrate all that is special about Saint Joseph’s School. Please let me know ASAP if you wish to attend so appropriate seating is organised. Please remember if you take videos / photographs that these are for personal purposes and cannot be placed on social media platforms to protect the privacy rights of all families.
Mrs H. (Year six Teacher)