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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

Year Six Class Mass and Assembly

Dear Parents / Grandparents,

Although the weather is very hot on Monday, the trip to Barry Island has been approved by health and safety and the measures identified to protect the children have been approved. A huge thank you to the parents and grandparents coming with us and taking the equipment to the beach and setting up. The children will arrive at the end of the beach at about 10.30 am.

Year six are working hard to prepare their year six Mass and assembly and parents and grandparents are invited to attend. Can you please let me know by Tuesday if you are attending? The Mass and assembly will commence at 1.45 pm. Please try and be there in good time, doors will open at 1.30pm so parents can sign in at the main reception and the service of celebration is unlikely to finish before 3.30 pm.

Many thanks,
Mrs Houston