St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
As part of safeguarding and our requirements, pupil absences are monitored and relevant information MUST be forwarded by ourselves to the local authority and/or attendance officer.
Therefore :
- If your child has a medical appointment, the card or letter must be given to the school office before the appointment, in order for it to be scanned and saved on your child's records. If you receive the appointment via text, please send a screenshot of the text to the school via their email address stjosephsprm@cardiff.gov.uk.
- If you have arranged a planned holiday during term time, an Absence Request Form MUST be completed and returned to the school office prior to the absence. You can find this form on our this website under dropdown heading Forms-Online Forms, or request a hard copy from the school office.
NO ABSENCE CAN BE TAKEN WITHOUT EVIDENCE. Without evidence, the absence/appointment it will be marked on the register as unauthorised with 10 unauthorised absences leading to a fixed penalty notice from the local authority.
As a school, we do understand the difficulties families face when children are ill, however these procedures are in place to safeguard the children in our school.
Thank you for your co-operation