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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

Welsh phrase book for parents to support their children with the acquisition of the Welsh language,

Welsh Book for Parents

20th September 2022


Criw Cymraeg will be responsible for creating a simple Welsh phrase book to engage with their children at home in developing Welsh language acquisition and to encourage the whole school community to be part of the project. This is to be placed on the school newsletter / Latest News. However, we have also attached a copy of the Welsh Scheme of work and oracy scheme of work so parents wishing to go beyond the parent booklet we have designed to explore the acquisition of Welsh further in the homes at an age appropriate level.

Diolch yn fawr,

Criw Cymraeg

Llyfryn Cymraeg ar gyfer Rhieni a Phlant

Welsh Booklet for Parents and Children

Dear Parent(s’), Guardian )s’) and Children,

Please find attached a copy of a booklet that is intended to support you in the use of Welsh phrases and vocabulary you can use at home.

Kind regards,

Criw Cymraeg




Days of the Week - Dyddiau'r wythnos

• Monday   -    Dydd Llun,

• Tuesday   -   Dydd Mawrth,

• Wednesday -   Dydd Mercher,

• Thursday   -  Dydd Iau,

• Friday  -  Dydd Gwener,

• Saturday   -  Dydd Sadwrn,

•Sunday  -  Dydd Sul



Misoedd – Months of the Year


•Ionawr   –   January

•Chwefror  –   February

•Mawrth   –   March

•Ebrill   –   April

•Mai   –   May

•Mehefin   –   June

•Gorffennaf –   July

•Awst   –   August

•Medi   –   September

•Hydref  –   October

•Tachwedd   –   November

•Rhagfyr   -   December

•Penblwydd Hapus           Happy Birthday

•Nadolig Llawen               Happy Christmas

•Blwyddyn Newydd Dda    Happy New Year

•Pasg Hapus                    Happy Easter


•1 - un,

•2 - dau,

•3 - tri,

•4 -  pedwar,

•5 - pump, 

•6 - chwech,

•7 - saith,

•8 -  wyth,

•9 -  naw,

•10 - deg

•Eisteddwch          Sit

•Sefwch                  Stand

•Ewch                     Go

•Dewch                  Come

•Mae hi’n amser…..chwarae / cinio / mynd adref / cofrestr / tacluso.

•It’s…… playtime / dinnertime /   home time / register /  tidy up time.

•Bore da             Good morning

•Prynhawn da      Good afternoon

•Noswaith dda     Good evening

•Nos da              Good night

•Hwyl fawr  Good Bye

•Pwy wyt ti?/Be ydy d’enw di?  

•Who are you/What’s your name?


•……… ydw i     

•I’m ………

•Sut wyt ti?             How are you?


•Bendigedig/Gwych       Fantastic / great

•Da iawn diolch          Very well thanks

•Ofnadwy                  Terrible

•Wedi blino                Tired

•Hapus/trist               Happy/sad




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