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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

A message from our Parents Association

Dear Parents,


We have organised an exciting Christmas Design Project for this Autumn term! Your child has brought home with them today an A4 sheet of paper on which to create a Christmas design along with an order form to order a range of products.

The Christmas designs can be professionally printed and purchased on a range of products including Cards, Tags, Wrapping Paper and Gift Mugs.


Please read the artwork guidelines printed on your child’s order form... most art materials can be used, but colour pencils, white or silver attached to a white background and photographs are not recommended. Bold and bright designs that fill the paper produce the best effect. Large areas of white background are less effective. Important details must not be placed within 5mm of the edge of the paper.

For further inspiration go to and view their gallery. If any other members of your family would like to join in then we do have a few spare order forms!


Artwork must be attached to the order form with the arrow on the form circled indicating the top of the work. Please keep designs flat and damage free, as marks will show on the final print.


Orders and payment must be made online using the unique code located at the top of the pupil order form.  Please refer to your order form for further instructions.


Each order form must be unique so please do not photocopy the form for other members of your family you can get extra copies from your school.


All artwork where orders have been placed must be returned to school by: Friday 21st October 

Cards will be delivered by the beginning of December.


Yours sincerely

St Joseph’s PA

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